September 24 Global Climate Strike
We are coming back with in-person climate strikes*!
Uprooting means removing by the roots, which reflects well our belief that we must address the root causes of the climate crisis to truly tackle it. By striking on September 24th under the banner #UprootTheSystem, we recognize and raise awareness about the intersections of climate and socio-economic crises including racism, sexism, ableism, class inequality and more. By striking together, united by common struggles, we demand a rapid and fair decarbonization of our economy, for a safer, greener, more just future.
We will be sharing a toolkit soon for teachers, students, unions and others on how you can support. Until then, stay updated through our social media (Instagram / Twitter / Facebook (click "going" on our event) / TikTok), signing up for our newsletter, and signing up to volunteer or marshal at the strike*!
*COVID-19 protocols in effect. Masks are required for attendance.
COVID-19 Protocols
PPE will be provided to anyone who needs
Mask are required at all times during the action
Hand sanitizer will be available to use and distributed by volunteers
Strike attendees will be frequently asked to remain a 6ft (2m) distance between each other